Took the Simplex and Sonya's Passport to her hometown yesterday to a car show. 8 other bikes there.....a customized Ninja & some stock harley's and one victory Vision. We were a shoe in for the plaque. The bike ran perfect all day (don't ask how it ran today.....). Later we went to a benefit dinner & auction for a friend who has a 3yr old with Cerebral palzey. They had a big poker run also & when all the bikers showed up they all got a big charge out of the Simplex.
Met a guy who had a '40 model as a boy & he delivered the Grit magazine with it (had a large basket mounted on the front). He said he had a lot of fun on it.
Also met a guy who has a Sportman Senior motorbike in decent condition. I told him about our website & I gave him an old copy of the VMBC magazine. He lives near my home town and has invited us to come see his bike and his car....a 1922 Citroen.
Mike Sal