for its first trip to work. rode it a total of 18 miles to and from work. It did supriseingly well. I need to make a heat shield for the exhaust because I burned my boot on pipe. The steering is a little jerky but I know I need to replace the neck bearings but Ive not been able to get the handlebars off to get to the steering stem nut to replace the bearings. Does anyone know it there is any trick to getting the bicycle style bars off? I thought all I had to do is loosen the bolt and tap it down slightly with a hammer then pull up but it doesnt budge??? Anyway it was a sunny blue sky warm day and it was a blast riding it. Still not sure how law enforcement is going to react. Built it as a moped. In South Carolina a moped is not registered and no tag requirement except that it most have the word moped on it. Its a 50cc fully automatic with lights turn and brake too with a horn. Got a few people at work notice the bike and were all amazed that its so small and liked the look and of course none had heard of a simplex. Still have to fabricate a kick stand and mount so I parked it at worn in the bike rack. I should have taken a pic of it, it looked kinda funny parked there. Just wanted to share a little with yall. I did have to change the final drive to a chain to get my rpms down and top end up , its really quiet and sounds pretty good.