I took the Harley (not a replica, but a tribute) out for a pedal ride with motor mounted, but not yet running just to get a feel for how the bike works. I do this with all my pedal builds because without the motor running I can feel and hear the bike itself just revealing itself, flaws are readily "felt" on these shake down pedal cruises. I live in a town with quite a few hills, several quite steep where pedal speeds can reach well past the legal posted limits. Unfortunately some streets are in need of repair as well so I'm able to mix my trial rides with a bit of variety with which to pass judgement.
The rolling chassis/engine combination performed well, though my pedal gearing is so low that it just crawls along...uphill or on flats about the same. The bike does pedal without much effort though.The Simplex forks worked really well as I'd been told by several forum members they would and I'm pleased that I selected them for my latest pedal moto bicycle build...I've had a lot of visitors stop by and look at the progress and most comment on the Simplex fork as looking so period correct for a Harley, which echos my own opinion as well. Rick C.