If I didn't already have the brown leather bags (and grips), I might have considered just doing the seat in black. Either way, I have time to think some more on the details since he's really busy, and won't get to my project for a month or so. I definitely wanted the full skirt starting at the seat nose. It's a classic design, and will also help fill in the space under the seat and accent the frame line. I figure the seat rail should go nicely with the rest of the stainless steel used on the bike also. I had been debating on re-doing the seat since I've pretty much finished the bike. On one hand, it's a 70yr+ survivor but, it is pretty rotted out, and is starting to tear around the edges and paper thin in spots, so, may as well do it now over the winter...I've completely "re-done" the whole bike to my own liking, such as the painted motor, fishtail exhaust, intake design, etc. so I might as well put a custom seat on it that I designed too. (I did consider buying another seat pan to "do", and keeping the old one but, then it would probably just sit on a shelf in the storage unit and be forgotten to rot anyways. Why waste money?)