I'm making some progress on the design I'll be going with on the "Simplex" sidecar (which never was) to attach to my faux Simplex Copper Gator, which is but really isn't. I decided to go with a small, 6 ft. long, low and narrow body based on a Kayak shell...quite steam lined. Since the Simplex is so low I want the car and frame even lower to allow easy viewing of the bike from the car side. Most side car designs (current and classic) completely hide the bike from view; this one won't.
Quick mounting and detachment of car to bike is important to me, as I enjoy riding solo on the Gator & won't give that up.
I also will construct a leaning wheel, articulated frame which allows the rider to lean into curves and corners rather than "drive" around like an auto. I'd like to actually enjoy riding the rig. The car wheel will be equipped with a brake, I plan on using a moped hub and 14" - 16" wheel...to better match up with the low & small car body.
Articulation at the bike frame, simple hinge design, with vertical position side car lock & car brake foot pedal on the car frame. Car wheel articulation controlled by either chain & sprocket or a simple tie rod arrangement.
Broad strokes for now but it's a direction to begin with. Already getting busy with seasonal work load so probably won't get much done at a time, but no worries slow is sure and I sure am. Rick C.