Author Topic: 64 C110  (Read 3891 times)


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64 C110
« on: June 14, 2015, 09:41:30 AM »
About finished up this old Honda C110 (original 50cc with 4 speed manual trans, pushrod style/points) and encountered a common issue with the throttle not returning very quickly.  It uses a internal pull that engages a "rifled" throttle tube.  The spring in the carb is all that returns it.  Has new throttle cable, and everything's lubed well. So far, finding a replacement spring that fits, with more tension has been futile.  I thought about adding a spacer for weight and to preload the spring on top of the barrel/slide...Any other ideas?


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Re: 64 C110
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2015, 05:13:25 PM »
Thats a great little Scoot . I had at least 4 maybe 6 of them in my early teen years(68-71) . I know I had a couple Red , one Blue and one Black like yours . I sure wish I had kept at least one of them . But like so many things, there long gone. I can only remember the good ole days.
 Anyhow The throttle return was never much on any of the ones I had . It mostly required my to return twist the throttle as I recall . I also recall riding and the dang thing would hang up at WOT . LOL  Me wiggling and jigling that throttlegrip to get it to finally get the "rifling" to fit back and allow me to slow down .
 I wasnt riding these as street legal bikes . So I connected the horn button to my ignition so I had a "emergency" off switch at my fingertips.
 The best I could ever do was take it apart, clean and lube it all ,including the cable . then It seemed to work marginally.
 Mother Honda used that system for quite a while . I think up thru the CT 70s and 90s . I have seen ocassionally some NOS listed on fleabay if you need parts.

  Thanks for sharing your photo . It brings back a lot of memories.


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Re: 64 C110
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2015, 03:29:59 AM »
I got to ride it for awhile (50miles or so) before selling it to a collector last night, who said he didn't care about the throttle.  He said he remembered they all had that issue, and it was just "a part of the bikes history". LOL.  Really nice guy with a passion for all the old Hondas.  It was nice that he still rides them, rather than just having them sit and get polished on occasion.  I'm going to take a break from repair/restore/re-selling for awhile. Unless I find something that's unusual, or too "cool" to pass up because been working so many hours. Maybe putt the Servi into work one of these days....
« Last Edit: June 16, 2015, 03:02:01 PM by carryall »