Hi there , spongy stuff in the intake port drain is felt , to keep the outside air from entering the crankase , ( other end of hole exits between the two ribs that support crankcase . the funny shaped port is supposed to prevent flooded fuel from filling op crankcase ) . port timing can be altered , but there always will be consequences , earlier servicycle engines had more restrictive port timimg and benefitted the direct drive models by providing more low end torque at push start speeds , increased port opening time worked better for transmission models, I have used coils from old style point system briggs engines , ( flathead twins ) and modified by square fileing the center hole to fit Phelon bikes resist the temtation to spin and let the spary try to jump a big gap , this practice is detrimental to coil integrety , I have not experimented on wico replacements , ( yet ) though I have the winder and materials , fingers starting to hurt , bye, Larry.