Well, the Simplex took it's maiden voyage down the street this evening!!! It will run about a block then die out like it's running out of gas. After waiting a minute, it started up again & ran about another block. I noticed that the needle valve adjusting screw was loose & wet with fuel....it appears I must have left the packing out of the joint, for when I snugged down the packing nut, the screw is still loose. (I won't mention that when I first tried to start it I kicked it about a dozen times before I realized I'd forgotten to turn the key on.....what a dope.....).
It was getting late & sonya had supper ready, so I had to quit tonight. I'll tinker again tomorrow if it's dry out (supposed to rain).
As expected, the throttle isn't going back to idle due to needing more cable adjustment. I guess I'll have to pull the carb & grind off the the bushing. I can turn a new one to replace it I guess. I might be tempted to get one of the re-pop carbs if it doesn't line out. I had to butt the front wheel up against a stop to keep the bike from running away after getting it running when it wouldn't idle down enough to disengage the clutch.
Mike Sal